Operations Update
July 15, 2020
Brody Dingel
President, Linguatorium Research Corporation
Since 2011, the Linguatorium project has been carried out by the Andrey A. Hudyakov Center for Linguistic Research, an international nonprofit organization headquartered in Arkhangelsk, Russia. (See this blog post for more details.) In recent years, we have grown the project and have moved most operations to the United States.

To continue our mission of bringing you and your students the best learning experience possible while keeping costs at a minimum, in January 2020 our team founded Linguatorium Research Corporation, which has now been recognized as a 501(c)(3) charity in the United States.

What does this mean for our users? With our U. S.-based charity status, we see these primary benefits:

  • Tax exemptions will help us keep our operating costs low
  • We are eligible for more public and private grants
  • Donations made to support our mission are deductible for U.S. taxpayers
Global Operations
Previously, local compliance challenges have prevented us from serving teachers and students outside of the United States and Russia. We’re now excited to announce that we are expanding our operations to the rest of the world. Please note that, unless a different arrangement is worked out, we will bill our customers in U. S. dollars regardless of the country where they are located. You can learn more about our pricing here.
COVID-19 Update
One last thing. In our response to COVID-19, we made the Linguatorium tools free through August 2020. We received very good feedback about this, and we’re glad that it made a positive impact.

With the new school year starting up, we want to continue supporting you and your students during the COVID-19 crisis. While our original offer is expiring on August 1, we’re more than happy to work with you and your institution if the cost of our tools is any financial burden, or the crisis has created delays in your institution’s purchasing process.

If you need an extra hand, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]. We’d love to help you and your students any way we can.

As always, stay safe and healthy.