How To
Enroll learners and instructors
Enrolling learners and instructors in Linguatorium is easy! If you have admin access to your organization's Linguatorium account, you can enroll students in just a couple of clicks.
Go to your Linguatorium dashboard
Log in to your Linguatorium account and select the Instructor View for your organization.
Go to your dashboard
Create a new group
Groups are a way to organize classes in Linguatorium. Click "Create a New Group" and give your group a name, for example: "ESL 101 Spring 2019."
Enroll learners or instructors
Click "Enroll learners or instructors." Add yourself as instructor first by entering your name and email address, and then add your students to the group. You can do this manually, or you can use the "Import from Spreadsheet" feature to upload the entire class roster with a click of a button. (Here's an example spreadsheet.)
Enable Lexis or Auris
Enable Linguatorium Lexis, Linguatorium Auris, or both for the group that you have created, depending on which tools this class will use.
Click "Save" to apply your selections.
Did you know?
One user can be enrolled in several groups at the same time. Also, enrolling into multiple groups will not create separate user accounts; instead, the same user account will be associated with all the groups in which you enroll the user. Linguatorium will automatically match user accounts by email address.