How To
Personalize settings:
Session duration & Gamification
Linguatorium Lexis and Auris both can be fine-tuned to meet your students' needs. Start by exploring organization-wide settings. You can adjust them to your liking, or leave them at their default values.
Go to your Linguatorium dashboard
Log in to your Linguatorium account and select the Instructor View for your organization. Then, navigate to "Admin Tools" in the menu on the left.
Go to your dashboard
Personalize your Auris Settings
On the "Admin Tools" screen, click on "Auris Settings." Research shows that students do learn with just 10 minutes per day, 5 days per week of practice, but you're free to customize these figures to fit your students' needs. Also, students love the Gamification feature! Activate this so your students can earn points for their practice and compete with their classmates for fun.
Personalize your Lexis Settings
Click on "Lexis Settings" on your "Admin Tools" screen to customize Lexis for your organization. You can adjust Lexis settings independently from Auris.

Note, however, that settings of either tool will apply to your entire organization. If you are implementing Lexis or Auris with your colleagues, it might be a good idea to check with them before you adjust these settings.
Did you know?
We originally created the Gamification feature for younger ESL students to motivate them to do their homework, but it turns out that adults like the friendly competition, too!